I teach people to lift because I think it’s sick.
and also because it is phenomenally empowering and extremely good for you and really fun, but we’ll get to that.
work with me
happy people
“ I wear a lot of hats in my life and sometimes it is difficult to juggle them all. Training is the one thing that pulls me into balance, it helps me to regulate and serves as effective pain management for my disability. However, the most rewarding part of my training is being able to show my daughter that women belong in these spaces, women can do anything. My favourite part is raising the next generation of big strong girls.”
— Talitha
“I was a complete mess before I started with Billie. I had crippling self esteem issues and my mind was my worst enemy. Now I am strong and nothing keeps me down for very long. I am enjoying life again. I owe most of that to Billie and her belief in me.”
— Antigoni
from the blog
get to know billie
Strength + Powerlifting Coach.
B. Exercise + Sport Science.
Mum to Princess (kitten, aged 5).